23 March 2023
Bangchak Honored with “Thailand Quality Award” from the Refinery and Oil Trading Business Group and the “Thailand Quality Class” from the Marketing Business Group at the Thailand Quality Award Ceremony

Executives from Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited received the Thailand Quality Award: TQA 2022, being the only organization awarded the coveted Thailand Quality Award (TQA) 2022 from the Refinery and Oil Trading Business Group, and the Thailand Quality Class (TQC) from the Marketing Business Group, presented by Teerayut Vanichchang, Vice Minister of Industry, during the 21st Thailand Quality Award 2022 Ceremony at the Main Hall - Thailand Cultural Centre.
Pativat Tivasasit, Chief Operation Officer, Refinery and Oil Trading Business Group, Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited received the Thailand Quality Award, the only organization to receive the coveted TQA, awarded to the Refinery and Oil Trading Business Group, recognizing its world class excellence in management. Previously, the Refinery and Oil Trading Business Group was awarded the Thailand Quality Class Plus: Innovation (TQC+ Innovation) in 2020.
Somchai Tejavanija, Chief Marketing Officer & Senior Executive Vice President, Marketing Business Group, Bangchak Corporation, received the Thailand Quality Class (TQC) 2022, its second consecutive win, as 1 of the 6 organizations to win the award.
The 2 prestigious awards serve as a testament to Bangchak’s success in fostering world class organization management excellence. The company commits to ongoing enterprise-wide improvement by adapting the criteria of the Thailand Quality Award. This is coupled with the cooperation of executives and employees who continually improve work processes, to adapt, change and develop the organization resulting in the prestigious world class quality award recognizing management system and standard of excellence.