07 March 2024
Bangchak – a TQA Winner - Receives the Leadership Excellence Award and Honored with the Distinction of Receiving the GPEA – World Class at 22nd Thailand Quality Award 2023

Pimpattra Wichaikul, the Minister of Industry, presented the Leadership Excellence Award to Pativat Tivasasit, Advisor, Refinery and Oil Trading Business, Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited. The award honors executives and leaders of organizations that have received the Thailand Quality Award (TQA) and Thailand Quality Class Plus (TQC+) since 2017. Bangchak Corporation received the TQA for the Refinery and Oil Trading Business Group in 2022. The Leadership Excellence Award is a prestigious and highly valued award, first inaugurated on the 30th anniversary of the Thailand Productivity Institute, to honor leaders and executives of organizations that have continuously integrated the criteria of the Thailand Quality Award in their respective organizations. This reflects exceptional business leadership and highlights the importance of pursuing organizational excellence at an international level and contributing to the country's overall competitiveness.
The Minister of Industry also presented flowers to congratulate Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited, represented by Thamarat Paryoonsuk, Senior Executive Vice President, Refinery and Oil Trading Business Group, as a TQA winner with the distinction of receiving the Global Performance Excellence Award (GPEA) from the Asia Pacific Quality Organization (APQO) in 2023, as an organization in the Asia Pacific that exhibits global management excellence.
The 22nd Thailand Quality Award Presentation Ceremony was organized by the Thailand Productivity Institute under the Ministry of Industry as the Office of the Thailand Quality Award at the Main Hall, Thailand Cultural Center.