03 August 2021

Bangchak presents Cash Cards to support 41 agencies and volunteers working to combat COVID-19

Gloyta Nathalang, Executive Vice President, Corporate Sustainability, Branding and Communication of Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited presents Bangchak Cash Cards part of a campaign to combat COVID-19 to Mor Lab Panda, Dr. Parkphum Dejhutsadin, to use in the transportation of COVID-19 patients and related operations.

Donations from the public, Bangchak members, and Bangchak Corporation totaling THB 1,729,544.06 was converted into cash cards presented to 41 volunteer groups for use in COVID-19 related operations, including the transportation of COVID-19 patients, proactive testing, delivering Favipiravir and home care units to patients, as well as the transportation of the dead for cremation.

Prior to the campaign, Bangchak had presented cash cards worth more than THB 500,000 to support volunteer ambulance and other projects related to COVID-19 in 2021, and with the successive severity of the situation will continue to support cash cards to support COVID-19 related operations.